BRAD!BRYAN Multimedia Inc. won a Silver Angel Award for “Why I Don’t Vape” a PSA campaign created for North River Prevention Partners.
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BB work for Selby Gardens featured in Sarasota Magazine
BRAD!BRYAN Multimedia Inc. produced two virtual field trips for longtime client Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. Both feature Selby’s Historic Spanish Point campus, allowing students to learn about either Native American or Florida pioneer life at the site. The virtual field trips were highlighted in a brief Sarasota Magazine article.
BB completes Gulf Coast Board Institute training
I have completed the Gulf Coast Community Foundation’s Board Institute after spending every Tuesday in October on Zoom for a marathon of presentations, workshops, and discussions on becoming a better board member.

I currently serve as Vice Chair of the board of directors of Neuro Challenge Foundation for Parkinson’s. I applied to the Board Institute to become a more effective and knowledgeable board member and to prepare myself for potential future leadership roles. The Board Institute trainings delved into board governance, best practices, fundraising, diversity, and generally being the best board member you can be. The presenters were dynamite and I also learned a lot in discussions with my 35 or so fellow participants represening nonprofits from throughout Sarasota County.
Big thanks to the Gulf Coast Community Foundation for offering this comprehensive and valuable benefit to our community and for making it free of charge.
“Best Video” for Literacy Council
A video Brad Bryan created for the Literacy Council of Sarasota has been named Best Giving Challenge Video 2020!
BB wins 2 Telly Awards
BRAD!BRYAN Multimedia is thrilled to announce winning two Bronze-level Telly Awards. The Tellys are a national competition honoring excellence in video and television across all screens.
Angel Award for Overdose PSA
We are thrilled to announce we have won a GOLD Angel Award for Don’t Let Them Sleep It Off, a PSA created for Drug Free Sarasota about opioid overdose. Read more…
2017 ADDY Awards!
BRAD!BRYAN Multimedia won 6 ADDYs at the 2017 American Advertising Awards, along with a special recognition from Adfed Suncoast. Read more…
BB wins 2016 Champion of Prevention Award
Drug Free Manatee has named Brad Bryan a 2016 Champion of Prevention, citing his years of producing public service announcements targeting substance abuse prevention in youth. Read more…
“The First Time Club” – #DoItForTheTeenagers
Shooting outside in Florida in July and August … who’s crazy enough to do that? The stalwart SOURCE Productions collective of Sarasota-based filmmakers, who have teamed up once again to shoot writer/director KT Curran’s first feature film, The First Time Club. Building on the success of past SOURCE projects Freefall – The Web Series, Boost, The Holding Cell, and When the Party Ends, this new film centers around a group of friends out for adventure whose love for each other is tested by sex, drugs, betrayal, and the difficulties of being a teenager in today’s America. Read more…
BB wins seven American Advertising Awards
BRAD!BRYAN Multimedia received seven awards at the 2016 Adfed Suncoast American Advertising Awards gala. Read more…